8 Organization Hacks for Families with Kids

As any parent knows, keeping a home organized and orderly is no small feat, especially when kids are involved! From toys and clothes to school supplies and sports gear, kids tend to come with a lot of stuff that can quickly take over the house. Fortunately, with a few smart organization hacks, it’s possible to maintain a tidy, clutter-free home even with children around.

Here are some of my top organization hacks for families with kids!

 1-      Create designated toy zones. Instead of letting toys take over the entire house, consider creating specific zones where they can be stored and played with. This could be a toy chest or pull-out drawers in the living room, a playroom with shelves or cubbies, or a basket in a corner of your child’s bedroom. By keeping toys contained to specific areas of the house, you can both keep things tidy and help your kids stay more focused during playtime. This also prevents a collection of toys from growing out of control, since it sets a limit to how many toys they can have – when toys no longer fit in the designated space, you must get rid of some of them.

2-      Use storage bins and baskets. Bins and baskets in various sizes are a great tool for organizing all sorts of items, from blankets and throw pillows to stuffed animals and small toys. Consider getting a few different types – some with lids for items that need to be hidden away, and others that are more open and accessible. You can have your kids help you label the bins and baskets with words or pictures to make it easier for them to put things back where they belong. (I recommend having no more than a few different types of containers in the same space, though, to keep the overall look cohesive.)

3-      Install hooks. Whether you’re dealing with backpacks, jackets, or sports gear, having plenty of hooks around the house can go a long way in keeping things organized. Consider installing hooks in your child’s bedroom, in the entryway or mudroom, and in the garage. You can even get creative with the placement and appearance – for example, you could hang a few hooks on a reclaimed wooden board and mount it to the wall for a rustic-chic look. Just make sure that the hooks are low enough for the kids to reach!

4-      Simplify your child’s wardrobe. Kids can accumulate an impressive number of clothes, but just like us, they tend to wear the same few items over and over again. To cut down on clutter and simplify your child’s morning routine, consider curating their wardrobe to include only their favorite pieces, making sure that everything fits them and that they have enough seasonally appropriate items. You can also try doing a capsule wardrobe by choosing a limited number of pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. (I like to buy my sons neutral pants and colorful shirts, so they can’t really go wrong when they get dressed by themselves.)

5-      Utilize vertical space. Even if your home is on the larger side, it’s important to make use of every inch of space you have. Consider using vertical space to your advantage by installing shelves or cubbies, or even hanging a shoe organizer on the back of your children’s bedroom door. This is a great way to store items that might otherwise take up valuable floor space.

6-      Get creative with labeling. Labels are a great way to keep your home organized, but they don’t have to be boring! You can use fun graphics or assign colors to different categories (like green for sports gear, blue for sidewalk chalk and bubble wands, and so on). You can even have your kids help you design the labels as a fun family activity.

7-      Make cleaning up fun. It’s important to remember that organization doesn’t have to be a chore. Get kids involved in keeping the house tidy by turning it into a game or a race, or play upbeat music while you work. By making organization a positive experience, you’ll all be more likely to stick with it long term. You’re also instilling good habits in your kids and teaching them life skills.

8-      Have a donation bin. Use a large box (such as this one) to store any clothes, toys, and books that have been outgrown. Once it’s full, donate the contents!

Amelie Organizes clothes in a dresser

In conclusion, keeping your home organized with kids can be a challenge, but with a few smart hacks and a little creativity, it’s absolutely doable. By creating designated toy zones, using storage baskets and hooks, simplifying your child’s wardrobe, utilizing vertical space, labeling, and making clean-up fun and practical, you can maintain a tidy, clutter-free home that’s both functional and beautiful. Remember, organization isn’t a chore, it’s what makes your life easier!