Owning well - Saving money by investing in quality

In a society often driven by instant gratification and disposability, not to mention the planned obsolescence of electronics, the concept of “owning well” stands as a refreshing alternative. At its core, owning well is about making thoughtful purchasing decisions, opting for high-quality items that are built to last, and taking proper care of them throughout their lifespan. In essence, buy the best you can afford and care for it.  By embracing this mindset, not only can we elevate our everyday experience, but we can also save money in the long run.


Choosing quality over quantity

In a consumer-driven society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of buying cheap and disposable products. (To be fair, that can be a fine thing if we indeed intend to own the item only for a short while or want to try it out before committing, though in that case, buying it secondhand or borrowing it would be preferable.) However, these “bargain” purchases can end up costing us more over time when we have to replace them.


Owning well begins with breaking free from the cycle of mindless consumption and shifting our focus toward investing in quality. When purchasing an item, whether it’s clothing, electronics, or household goods, aim to buy the best version that your budget allows. Look for well-constructed products made from durable materials that are less likely to wear out or break. Though the initial cost may be higher, the longevity and performance of a well-made item will ultimately outweigh the cost of frequently replacing cheaper alternatives – assuming the cheap item even works as intended in the first place!

Pile of clothing

When my then-fiancé (now-husband) and I moved in together, we had a cheap stand-mixer that we had bought for $30. Not only did it not actually function as a stand mixer (the paddle or whisk was stationary and therefore could never reach the entire bowl), but it died after just a year or two. We then bought a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. Yes, it was almost ten times the price, but this workhorse performs beautifully and, after almost 15 years, it is still just as good as the day we bought it! Plus, it looks fantastic on our kitchen counter and brings me joy whenever I look at it.


Another example? I’ve noticed that the toys from the dollar store are always the first to break – then there might be tears and frustration from the kids, and really, it would have been better to either not buy anything, or to spend more and buy something of higher quality.


The economics of owning well

While owning well may require a larger upfront investment, it promises significant financial benefits in the long term. Consider, for instance, the cost of constantly replacing low-quality goods versus owning a few well-crafted items that withstand the test of time. You could buy dozens of cheap, trendy T-shirts that fall apart after a few washes, or a few quality T-shirts in a classic style that wear well and that you will own for years. Plus, from an organizing standpoint, I can tell you that running your home will be much more efficient without all that extra stuff in the way.


By opting for quality, we reduce the need for frequent replacements, eliminating the ongoing expenditure on subpar products. The cost per use of each item decreases with a long-lasting quality item! And overall, we consume less.


The art of proper care

Owning well goes beyond making wise purchases; it also involves nurturing and caring for our possessions. Taking the time to maintain and repair our belongings ensures their longevity and maximizes their value, even making them potential assets for resale or reuse. In the case of those t-shirts, separating colors, washing in cool water on delicate, and air-drying will help them last longer; they could even be in good enough condition that you might resell them or at least donate them instead of recycling or trashing them, extending their life cycle that much further.


Each item requires its own specific care routine, whether it’s cleaning delicate fabrics, servicing mechanical goods, or avoiding exposure to harsh elements. By understanding and following the manufacturer’s guidelines, we can prolong the lifespan of our possessions and derive maximum utility from them. I’m thinking about a pair of leather shoes that not only will last longer than synthetic leather, but will also last longer if the leather is properly moisturized and protected and if the shoes are resoled, which would not be effective on a pair of cheap shoes.

Freshly shined shoes


Owning well: a holistic lifestyle

In a society characterized by constant trends and rapid obsolescence, owning well can grant us a sense of stability, control, and appreciation for the things we possess. From well-made clothing that withstands changing fashion fads to long-lasting tools that facilitate our passions, owning well redefines our relationship with our belongings and the value we get from them.


Embracing the concept of owning well extends beyond material possessions. It fosters a mindset of intentionality and aligns with conscious consumption. When we actively choose to buy quality items and care for them properly, we engage in a lifestyle that values durability, craftsmanship, and long-term satisfaction. Owning well not only saves us money, but also allows us to embrace a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.



Owning well is a mindset that challenges us to break free from throwaway culture. By investing in quality items and nurturing them throughout their lifetime, we not only enrich our daily lives, but also save money in the process. This paradigm shift toward thoughtful consumption allows us to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle while reaping the rewards of durability, functionality, and long-term satisfaction.


So, let us make a conscious choice to own well, cherish our possessions, and redefine our relationship with the material world. It takes practice! By doing so, we can find fulfillment in having fewer, but higher-quality, items that accompany us throughout our life. Invest in quality, care with intention, and savor the rewards of owning well!