I work one-on-one with overwhelmed clients to help them regain control of their home. I declutter and organize, and I also help put systems in place to manage day-to-day living going forward. Plus, I sell printables to help keep you organized!

More than a good listener, I am a problem-solver who helps people like you organize their home and simplify their life. My goal is to help you create a functional space that will make your life easier and more peaceful.

Interested? Check out my personalized services or book a complimentary consultation!


“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” — William Morris



Find out more about the services I offer.


This way to learn more about my KonMari® services!


See my printables and Amazon products I recommend.

Smiling woman with glasses and curly hair

About Amélie

Amélie is a pro at helping her clients unpack, declutter, downsize, and organize. She loves cleaning out a closet and removing a carload of donations from a home! The best feeling is watching clients visibly relax in their newly organized home.

Amélie is one of only a handful of people in the country to be both a member of NAPO and a home organizer certified by Marie Kondo. She is also a Board Member of the NAPO Austin Chapter.

Amélie is from Montreal, Quebec, and moved to San Antonio, Texas, for her husband to pursue his career. They are parents to two wonderful boys.


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